Tuesday, July 23, 2013

[TECH] 7 Simple Social Media Moves That Work

By:  | Inc.com staff | source

Likeable founder Dave Kerpen personally responds to thousands of Tweets, emails, and messages every day. Crazy, or genius?


Before he started to dole out social media advice for entrepreneurs like you at Inc.'s recent GrowCo conference in New Orleans, Dave Kerpen, chairman of Likeable Media and now founder of offshoot Likeable Local, had a few things he wanted to get out of the way.

First, he said, social media is not free. Second, it won't bring you immediate results. And, third, it can't make up for a bad product or service.

If you can cope with all that, you're ready to learn how--and why--Kerpen still recommends you get involved:

1. Listen, Then Talk 
A couple of years ago, when Kerpen went to Vegas, the check-in line at the Aria hotel where he was staying "took forever," he said.

So Kerpen did what he does best--took to Twitter, and quickly posted: Waiting on line for 45 minutes at the Aria. Not worth it. #fail

Did he hear anything from the Aria? No. But he did hear from the Rio, a hotel down the street. Within two minutes, the Rio Tweeted back to Kerpen: Sorry you're having a bad experience, Dave. Hope the rest of your time in Vegas goes well.

Kerpen didn't switch hotels on that trip, but where do you think he stayed the next time he went to Vegas? The Rio. And he "liked" the Rio on Facebook. And sometime later, a friend going to Vegas saw that Kerpen had "liked" the Rio, so asked if Kerpen would recommend the hotel. His response? "I don't think it's the fanciest, but I know that they listen," Kerpen recalls telling that Facebook friend.

Kerpen pointed out that all the Rio did was pay attention to Twitter, and respond with empathy.

Kerpen recommends you do the same thing, regardless of the business you're in. "If you're an accountant, go to Twitter and search 'need an accountant'," he said. "Your customers are asking for you." 

2. Respond (to Everyone!)
Kerpen said 60 percent of brands--mostly big ones--currently do not answer customers or prospects on Twitter, Facebook, or other social media. As a result "you have a huge competitive advantage if you respond to your customers--and theirs," he said. (Case in point: the Rio hotel in Vegas.) 

If a customer complains, don't delete. Instead, you have an opportunity to respond publicly that you're working to solve the problem, and will send a private message to the individual so it can be fixed.

"We all know that companies are going to make mistakes," said Kerpen. "The problem isn't when companies make mistakes, it's when companies don't say, 'I'm sorry.'"

Instead, if you delete a complaint, you're sending a message that the person who wrote it doesn't matter, and you're, in essence, "inviting him to go tell someone else, to start a petition," warned Kerpen.

The only types of posts you should consider deleting? Those that are obscene, or bigoted.

When you respond, do it in your brand voice, whatever that is: serious, funny, full of puns, scientific, whatever. As long as it's true to the brand.

3. Tell, Don't Sell
Social media is most powerful when you use it to tell personal stories, not to sell your products, Kerpen said. 

Kerpen likes to tell the story of how, when he and his then fiancĂ© couldn't afford a lavish wedding, they raised $100,000 from sponsors and got married at Brooklyn Cyclones park. That personal story, he says, helped propel Likeable into a $7 million business.

Didn't get married at Shea? Consider your humble beginnings, your personal leadership characteristics, customers who have overcome obstacles, employee challenges, community or charity partnerships. Look at your employees, products, or customers, and identify a story people will want to talk about, and disseminate it across social media.

If yours is a business-to-business company, tell a story on social media using webinars, e-books, and white papers. 

"The only thing better than telling your story on social media is to inspire your customers to tell your story," said Kerpen.

4. Just Be You
On this, Kerpen quoted Oprah Winfrey, who said: "I had no idea that being your authentic self could make me as rich as I've become. If I had I'd have done it a lot earlier."

As Kerpen puts it: "When I am authentic, when I am vulnerable, when I am me, customers want to do business with me." 

Who does a lot of this on Twitter, according to Kerpen? Foursquare founder Dennis Crowley, who has even posted about where he lives.

5. Advertise (Better)
Social media is not just touchy-feely, said Kerpen. It can drive leads, and sales. 

On Facebook, rather than just get your ad in front of huge a swath of people, you can target the right people--based on job title, interest, age, location. "Every single piece of data that Facebook's got on people you can target based on that," Kerpen said. "What's cooler than reaching a billion people on Facebook? Reaching the right 1,000, the right 100, the right 10, or the right one."

Another perk of advertising on Facebook? Word-of-mouth endorsements. You can target ads against just the friends of people who have "liked" your brand on Facebook, and when those people see your ad, they will see listed the names of their friends who like your brand, too. 

6. Give Stuff Away
If you take 10 percent off, you're marketing, 50 percent off, you're giving away value, 100 percent off, you have loyal customers for life, Kerpen quipped.

Give away good content, webinars, articles, and white papers. "I've had two people come up to me and say, 'Thank you for all that valuable information you gave away, I'm starting my own social media agency,' but I also got dozens and dozens of inbound leads because of all the value we put out there," said Kerpen.

Recently, a new client told Kerpen she had $250,000 to spend on social media marketing she'd move to Likeable because of all the free, yet useful information the company has made available.

7. Be Grateful
In your social media posts, regularly thank your customers, and partners.

According to the non-profit organization DonorsChoose.org, Kerpen said, of those people who received a thank you note, 38 percent were more likely to donate again.

He writes three thank you notes every day. 
"It puts me in a great mood every single time," he said.

Monday, July 22, 2013

[HEALTH] This New Natural Testosterone Booster Has Men Everywhere Raving

Source here.

This New Natural Testosterone Booster Has Men Everywhere Raving
Wow... I'm getting old.

It's a disturbing thought, one that usually hits after an unexpected physical challenge. Maybe you've been unable to maintain your usual workout levels, or recovery is taking a lot longer than it used to. Perhaps fixes to the house are just a bit more difficult, or you can't perform in the bedroom the way you used to.

What's most startling about this realization is that you don't normally "feel old" but, nevertheless, you know you don't look or feel like the man you used to be.

And the issue? You might not have enough free testosterone
A person's bloodstream contains two types of testosterone: bonded testosterone and free testosterone. Bonded testosterone attaches to molecules in the body and is mostly ineffective. However, free testosterone can enter your cells easily and plays a vital role in libido, strength, stamina, and vitality—all of which are important to men.

Over the last few years the market has been flooded with questionable options for increasing a man's free testosterone levels: useless pills, questionable supplements, and dangerous or illegal medical treatments. But now a group of researchers in Boston, Massachusetts have developed a dietary supplement that triggers the body to increase its levels of free testosterone naturally and safely.

Called Nugenix, the supplement primarily relies on an ingredient called Testofen®, which comes from the rare Fenugreek plant. Testofen® has been shown in clinical trials to boost free testosterone levels, increase sex drive, and improve libido. Adding to Nugenix's potency are additional key ingredients like zinc and vitamins B12 and B6, which have been shown to improve physical performance and strength, increase drive, and aid in recovery.

Nugenix has no harmful side effects, is manufactured in the United States under FDA Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), and has been shown to deliver improvements in strength and endurance in as little as a week.

This isn't product hype delivered by a know-it-all enthusiast from the gym. According to studies held in both Irvine, California and Queensland, Australia, the results from Nugenix are nothing short of spectacular. From greater muscle definition and quicker recovery times, to increased sex drive and feelings of alertness, these users are reporting virtual transformations as a result of safely boosting their free testosterone with Nugenix.

Nugenix is the top selling men’s vitality product in GNC, outselling every other brand —many of which don’t contain the clinically substantiated amounts of Testofen® needed to see actual results.

Best of all, right now the company that manufacturers Nugenix is giving away samples of the products to qualifying customers who request them online.

Click here to learn more and find out how to get your sample.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

[HEALTH] 7 Ways You Can Always Be Mentally Sharp

We live in a highly competitive world where our brain is our most important asset. The human brain is a complex machine, and although scientists have figured out how it works, there still are some unexplored areas of it – and, in the end, this is what makes the brain such a fascinating thing! Nonetheless, we need to train it properly if we want to have a great, sharp mind and to improve our cognitive function. Here are 7 ways of exercise brain and stay mentally sharp that will surely benefit you in the long run:
1. Avoid Activities That Make Your Brain Numb
Believe it or not, there are certain activities that not only make you numb and tired, but also destroy brain cells – once destroyed, these valuable cells do not regenerate, this is why it is essential to minimize this natural destruction. While it is true that brain cells get damaged as we age, why speed up the process with activities like watching TV or playing computer games?
There is nothing wrong with these two activities when enjoyed moderately, the problem is that most people end up spending hours in a row doing nothing else but watching low-quality TV shows. These activities will eventually take their toll on your memory, your ability to concentrate and your cognitive function.
2. Include More Brain Foods In Your Diet
There are certain foods (which are commonly referred to as “super foods” due to their health benefits) that support the proper functioning of your brain in the long run. They protect your brain and they can even generate new brain cells, provided that you give your brain the nutrients it needs, the building blocks that are required to make new brain cells. Focus on foods that contain healthy fats and fatty acids, like the well-known Omega-3 and Omega-6 which can be found in fatty fish such as salmon or tuna.
On the other hand, your brain also needs high amounts of antioxidants to function properly. The older we get the more exposed we are in front of free radicals, therefore you need to increase your intake of carrots, garlic, broccoli, grapes or blueberries. Olive oil is extremely beneficial for the health of your brain as well!
3. Train Your Brain With Numbers And Lyrics
There are many different ways in which you can train your brain, but a pleasant and efficient way is to train it with song lyrics – after all, who does not like song lyrics? Not to mention that sometimes, we tend to memorize lyrics without even trying. Learning a few new lines and repeating them constantly is certainly a great way to train your brain. Moreover, it is also highly recommended to do easy math problems without relying on your calculator, if they do not involve complex mathematical equations.
4. Reduce Your Alcohol Intake
While it is true that computer games and watching too much TV can make you brain-dead, nothing damages your brain more than alcohol. You do not even need to consume alcoholic beverages in impressive amount, if you consume them on a regular basis they will eventually affect your memory. Alcohol is known to slow down the mental functions and to interfere with your cognitive ability as well. Otherwise stated, it prevents you from thinking clearly – one more reason to steer clear from it!
Brain Killers

5. Learn A New Language

In addition to lyrics, learning a new language is also a great way to train your brain – you will be amazed to see how easy you can connect languages and find similar words. This is a fast, efficient and cost-effective way to improve your cognitive function, not to mention that you also have the chance to discover new mentalities and cultures, and this will certainly look good on your CV!
6. Mind Games Can Work Like Magic
Mind games and memory games are also a great choice when it comes to training your brain and staying sharp in the long run. Scrabble, for instance, is a great way to expand your vocabulary and to improve alertness, while card games and board games will improve your memory and help you develop mental strategies quickly and effortlessly.
7. Learn How To Relax
Last, but not least, stress is also one of the most dangerous factors that impact your cognitive function, not to mention the variety of negative effects it has on your overall health. It is important to know when to detach from the daily routine and pressure – stress is directly related to anxiety, panic attacks and depression, and all these issues are known to dampen your cognitive function if not addressed in real-time.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

[TIPS] 9 Mistakes You're Making on LinkedIn

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What separates the master networkers from the amateurs? The former tend not to make these mistakes.


Lots of articles describe how to create a more marketable LinkedIn profile, how to find the right groups to join, how to choose the best profile photo... I should know, I'vewritten about that. Oh, and that. Yep, and that too.

Since most people understand the value of taking those steps, let's go deeper. To really harness the power of LinkedIn, don't make these mistakes:

1. You give only because you expect to receive.
Connect with people on LinkedIn and you can write a recommendation that gets displayed on their profiles.

That's awesome, unless you're only giving recommendations because you want one in return. Then it's tacky.

For example, say you're a plumber. A pipe burst and we call you at three in the morning. You immediately rush over, fix the leak, and save us from inadvertently converting our basement into a swimming pool. I'm extremely grateful and I write you a deservedly glowing recommendation.
Then I ask you to write a recommendation for me.

The problem is, you don't know me professionally. The only thing you really know about me is that I could be heard in the background screaming like a little girl when my wife called you. How can you recommend me? You can't. You shouldn't. And you shouldn't be asked to.
Give sincere recommendations. Recommend because you want to, not because you expect to receive a recommendation in return. The people who know and respect you may return the "favor." If so, great; if not, also great. Either way you've given credit where credit is due.

2. You don't give at all.
Great networking is based on giving, not receiving. Endorsements are an easy way to give: Go to someone's profile, click a few boxes, maybe click a few plus signs--done.

Endorse another person's skills and you not only give them a virtual pat on the back, you may also help them show up in search results.

Show other people you respect their skills. Sure, it may be a good networking move, but making other people feel good about themselves is reason enough.

3. You wait until you have a need.
If you put off making solid connections until the day you need something--customers, employees, a job, or just a better network--then you've waited too long. Think about where you someday want to be and start now to build the connections, the network, and the following that will support those goals.

Building great connections is a parallel, not a serial, task. Later is always too late.

4. You forget where you are.
Most people use LinkedIn as a professional social media platform. So when you want to leave comments, share material, etc., consider letting your freak flag fly somewhere else. You never know when a potential employer, employee, customer, vendor--anyone--may notice.

Safe, at least where being professional is concerned, means never having to feel sorry.

5. You ignore the signs.
LinkedIn clearly aspires to be more than a place where millions of professionals make connections.

In less than two years LinkedIn Today has become an extremely powerful news aggregator. Landing an article on a category page generates a flood of traffic; landing an article on the home page can crash your servers.

LinkedIn Today now provides original content from "thought leaders" and allows you--whether you are connected to the person or not--to follow those individuals, comment directly on their posts, share their content with your network, etc. Currently only "influencers" can be followed (Richard Branson has over a million) but it's safe to assume that someday all users will be able to directly post their own content and build their own followings.

What's next? I don't know. All I know is something will be next. Pay attention, look ahead, and start positioning yourself now.

Smart people get the most out of a tool. Really smart people do too, but they also plan for how to get the most out of what a tool may become.

6. You don't share.
The easiest way to frequently update and "customize" your profile is to share. The articles, blog posts, videos, etc. you share appear in your Activity stream, giving other people a great look at what you're doing and what you're interested in and creating a running journal where others can learn more about you.

Plus your connections can respond by liking or leaving comments, which helps you avoid another mistake...

7. You don't care.
Want to know what your connections, your network, or your audience thinks is important? Want a better sense of interests and perspectives you share?

Share, and then watch your Activity feed. See what people "like." Read the comments.

The only way to better know people is to listen to what they have to say. Make it easy to listen: Share, see what strikes a chord and what doesn't. It's the perfect way to get direct feedback and build stronger connections. See your Activity feed as real-time feedback from the people you reach--and want to keep reaching.

8. You ignore your team's network.
Relationships, referrals, and rapport are powerful ways to open doors.

The people you work with have great networks. (If they don't, encourage them to start building.) When you're looking for an "in," see if someone on your team already has the right connection.

Chances are they do.

9. You go generic.
"I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn."

Yeah, I know you're busy. Still, is using the auto-generated LinkedIn connection text really the best you can do?

Delete the generic message and take a few seconds to say how you know the person. Or to say what you have in common. Or to say something complimentary. Unless you're just trying to pad your numbers, you have a good reason reason for wanting to connect, so say what that reason is.
Making real connections starts with the word "real."
Be real.

Friday, July 19, 2013

[TECH] Make Sure You Never Lose Your Files, Photos or Music

Everyone understands the importance of insurance – for your car, your home, and your health.  While nobody enjoys paying the premium, we intrinsically understand the financial devastation that can result from an accident, disaster, or a serious health problem.

But, there’s another area of life where people are also exposed to a huge risk, and many of us have no insurance—it’s our digital storage.  According to PC World, 43 percent of computer users lose their music, photos, and documents annually.

We can expect that percentage to rise as we become more dependent on our computers each passing year. After all, we store so many important things on our computers: precious photo collections, music collections, videos, and important financial and work documents.

Inevitably though, the worst will happen—the hard drive crashes.  Unless you regularly back up all of your files to an external device, you’ve probably lost them—forever.  If you’re lucky, you just might be able to restore some of your files. But, it will cost you—a few thousand dollars, and a ton of frustration and time.

Fortunately, there are now easy and affordable ways to get protected, and more and more people are choosing to use them.  In fact, they are now so easy to use and affordable, there's really no reason to be exposed when it comes to preserving precious digital assets.

One of the easiest and most cost-effective protection plans is offered by a company calledMyPCBackup.com.  In three simple steps, this solution can have you covered.

Here’s how it works
First, sign up for your free MyPCBackup account and download the MyPCBackup application. It automatically finds all your photos, music, documents, and other irreplaceable files—no matter where they are on your hard drive—and compresses and securely encrypts them. Finally, it copies them over the Internet to the remote MyPCBackup data centers.

As you create new files and documents, MyPCBackup works automatically and behind the scenes to back them up, with no technical interference as you go about your other work. You have immediate access to your old and newly created documents from any Web browser, even your smart phone. No need for portable flash hard drives or sending large email attachments to yourself.

Then, when your turn arrives to have an accident, you can restore your data quickly and easily.  You can restore a single file, a set of files, or all of your data.

Digital backups on the cloud are definitely the wave of the future.  For less than $5 a month, MyPCBackup provides complete peace-of-mind and convenience. Better yet, they’re currently offering a 14-day free trial, so that you can try out the service and see how easy it is to use, before you decide to continue with it. And, no credit card is needed to try it.

Everyone knows what it feels like to accidently delete an irretrievable file they’ve been working on for hours.  Just imagine the feeling when a lifetime’s collection of pictures, songs, and memories is lost forever.  Fortunately, with MyPCBackup, it’s something nobody needs to experience again.

Click here to learn more, or download your free trial now to start your digital protection. - SOURCE.

Thursday, July 18, 2013

[TECH] New Startup Gives People Free Internet Access (US ONLY)

New Startup Gives People Free Internet Access

Wireless internet access has changed the way most of us live. Whether it's used on a phone, tablet or laptop, this service lets us shop, research, find our way when we need direction, and stay connected with one another — anytime, anywhere, just by turning on our device.

The only problem? The monthly data plan bill. Ouch!
From AT&T to Verizon, wireless internet providers know they've got us where it hurts. Without them, we can’t do all of the cool new things made possible by the mobile web.

They're constantly raising prices, locking customers into expensive plans they don't need, or sneaking in pricey overage fees when we accidentally use more data than we realize.

Think you don’t have options? Think again.

FreedomPop, a new Los Angeles-based startup, is offering users free wireless internet access.
That’s right – FREE.

FreedomPop lets you use 2GB of data for free for the first month and allows for changes anytime to a lower data capacity plan. To put in perspective, 500 MB can power hours of streaming music, thousands of photos and Facebook posts, and approximately 23,000 emails. The service features incredibly fast 4G internet speeds (10x faster than 3G), no data caps or throttling speeds, you can use it anywhere, and there are no contracts or cancelation fees.

Whether you are eligible for 4G or in a 3G area, FreedomPop will give you free Internet, a heavily discounted hotspot, or USB dongle. You’ll also receive great customer service to help you through the process.

FreedomPop makes their money from people who want to use a lot more data and want to increase their data plan—either by purchasing one of their plans (typically at rates 40 – 60% below the major carriers), or though free promotional offers. For example, you can earn up to up an additional 500MB per month for every friend you refer, which would give you 1.5GB of total data 100% free your first month. You can also sign up for offers from one of FreedomPop's partner companies to get more data added to your plan.

How It Works

Get 2 Gigabytes Free Today
Right now FreedomPop is offering 2 Gigabytes of data free (4 times the usual amount) during your first month of service. A credit card is needed at the initial sign-up for the internet connection device, and in case you decide to renew at the 2 GB plan.

Industry response toward FreedomPop has been incredibly positive. It's been covered by Bloomberg Businessweek, The Wall Street Journal, CNBC, CNET and more. And while there's no way to predict the future, FreedomPop looks to become the next major player in this highly-competitive industry. Only this time the consumer is coming out on top.

Click here to see if FreedomPop's wireless internet service is available in your area.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

[TECH] Explanation: How Brain Training Can Make You Significantly Smarter

Explanation: How Brain Training Can Make You Significantly Smarter
As many people hit middle age, they often start to notice that their memory and mental clarity are not what they used to be.  We suddenly can't remember where we put the keys just a moment ago, or an old acquaintance's name, or the name of an old band we used to love.  As the brain fades, we euphemistically refer to these occurrences as "senior moments."

While seemingly innocent, this loss of mental focus can potentially have a detrimental impact on our professional, social, and personal well-being. 

It happens to most of us, but is it inevitable? 
Neuroscientists are increasingly showing that there's actually a lot that can be done.  It turns that the brain needs exercise in much the same way our muscles do, and the right mental workouts can significantly improve our basic cognitive functions.  Thinking is essentially a process of making neural connections in the brain.  To a certain extent, our ability to excel in making the neural connections that drive intelligence is inherited.  However, because these connections are made through effort and practice, scientists believe that intelligence can expand and fluctuate according to mental effort.

Now, a new San Francisco Web-based company has taken it a step further and developed the first "brain training program" designed to actually help people improve and regain their mental sharpness.  Called Lumosity, it was designed by some of the leading experts in neuroscience and cognitive psychology from Stanford University.

Lumosity, is far more than an online place to exercise your mental skills.  That's because they have integrated these exercises into a Web-based program that allows you to systematically improve your memory and attention skills.  The program keeps track of your progress and provides detailed feedback on your performance and improvement.  Most importantly, it constantly modifies and enhances the games you play to build on the strengths you are developing--much like an effective exercise routine requires you to increase resistance and vary your muscle use.

Does it work?
Apparently it does. In randomized, controlled clinical trials, Lumosity was shown to significantly improve basic cognitive functions. One study showed students improved their scores on math tests by 34 percent after using Lumosity for six weeks, significantly greater gains than those made by other students in the same class, who were not training with the Lumosity program.

The company says its users have reported clearer and quicker thinking, improved memory for names, numbers, directions, increased alertness and awareness, elevated mood, and better concentration at work or while driving.

While many of the games at Lumosity are free, a modest subscription fee is required to use the full program over the long term.

However, Lumosity is currently offering a free trial of their program to new users so that you can see how well it works before you decide to subscribe.  The trial is completely free (no credit card required) and the company believes the results will speak for themselves.
Click here to try for yourself.